How much am I making from online income?

I wasn't going to post about this since my focus is not on this section of the blogging but since I have received a couple of emails asking me about it, I thought it will do no harm answering some of those queries and being transparent about it.

Even though I have blogged over the past 4 years, I have only started subscribing to Google Adsense and Nuffnang since late September last year. From my pageviews on the right section of the blog, the figure shows just over 500,000 views and if we pro-rata the figures for the past 4 years of blogging, it is actually not that all impressive. I remain puzzled why are there people who approach me regarding this matter. Hmm anyway, I will try my best to see where I can contribute in this one :)

What is Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is a platform where you can earn income from displaying specific targeted Google ads in your website.

Generally, you get some sort of income from Adsense through Cost-per-click (CPC), Click-through-rate (CTR) and Cost-per-impression (CPI). The first two is based on the number of people who click on your advertisement banners displayed while the latter is based on the number of people who visited your website.

Obviously, I am not able to influence my readers to click onto the banners so I do not generally do anything about that. However, there are certain banner ads sizes which tend to be more popular in attracting better quality ads and you may want to put as much of these banners when possible based on your layout template. These popular banners are often in the size of:

  • 336 * 280
  • 300 * 250
  • 728 * 90
  • 160 * 600

On the other hand, the Cost-per-impression (CPI) is perhaps something that the blogger can influence better. This can be done through analyzing certain data through Google Analytics and looking where the crowd is coming from and what information they are looking for. Some topics at certain periods are generally more viral than the others. For example, during an IPO period of a certain stock, there are more search on this topic on the web so if you decide to blog about it, you will get more views on the topic itself. Certain scenarios such as the Sim Lim or Xia Xue incident also apply in this case.

Based on my experience so far, stock analysis posts usually garner the least viewership, while others such as financial planning and personal finance garner more viewership. This is very common as the latter tends to cater to the general public more then specific stocks. As mentioned above, IPO analysis is also a very popular topic as the general public tends to be more involved somehow and would like a piece of the share.

My Performance

Anyway, for those who are interested in my statistics and how much I have earned from online income in the month of January can see the screen I have shot below. I have erased the Page CTR, CPC and RPM figures because I think it is an infringement to google policy, not too sure about that. To summarize, these are the results:

  • Estimated Earnings: SGD 54.43 / month
  • Page Views: 33,994 / month or 1,096/day
  • 15 Articles written during the month or 2,266 views/article on average
  • No articles gone viral
  • The earnings include some from ads click on top of page views.

So this is it. I'll probably do an update to this at the end of the year to see where the online income comes in. $54.43 is certainly not a lot for the month if you include the amount of effort needed to maintain the blog going but they are a plus nevertheless. 

I hope this post is useful to anyone who are interested in knowing how much bloggers are making in online income. You can roughly get a gauge to how much the more popular bloggers are getting by the same standard but this is as much as I know about online income stuff.

What about you? Do you think the amount is too paltry to count?

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