Dividend Income Updates - Harvesting the Fruits in 2015

It seems almost just a couple of blinks ago that we celebrated Christmas and get everyone setting down their resolution for the new year. Unconsciously, we are already into the second month of the year and soon we will be heading into the third month.

Friends and readers of my blog would know that I am a big proponent of cashflow as compared to net worth. I chose to focus on cashflow because it is a direct income that allows me to dictate my own lifestyle at my own territory terms. My lifestyle revolves around the way I handle my working capital appropriately. If I have more flexibility in the income during the month, I usually level up my expenses a little bit to reward my familes (and myself). The incoming cashflow would come in the form of salary and dividend income while the cash outflow comes in the form of the daily expenditures. One fine day, I hope these dividend income would be sufficient to hit the crossover point, the point synonymous with financial independence and the freedom to free myself from the mundane corporate life I have been staying for the past 7 years.

When I did these regular updates of the dividend income, my main intention is to track the amount of these income received for my own future reference. The other intention is to provide some kind of inspiration for young starters who might not believe that this kind of passive income is completely possible in their lifetime. It is always much harder planting the seed when I just started out and much relieved harvesting the fruits of the labor when I look back at this point. Nevertheless, there's a long way to go for me so no slacking on that.

As the reporting season began to wine down, I have tabulated across the amount of dividend income I will be receiving for the month of February. Since I have pared down on selling some of the Reits in recent months, notably the likes of Ascott and Ascendas Hospitality Trust, the amount of dividend income received for this month will nowhere be as significant as the previous year. Still, this shouldn't be an excuse not to track down the amount of dividend income received.

Without further ado, I will receive a dividend income of $1,096 for the month of February. The breakdown is as follows:

CountersDividends (S$)
FraserCenterpoint Trust825.00
FraserCommercial Trust271.00

One of my goals for 2015 is to receive a dividend income of $18,000 for the year. This month's result is a good start at 6.1%, though it stretches somewhat an extremely long way to go to reach the target. With still another 10 months to go, I'll work to see how that plays along as we approaches closer to the end of the year.

How was this month dividend income for you? Did you get a good start to the year?

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