Dividend Income Updates - Bridging The Cashflow Dream

The time has come again when we as dividend income investors enjoy the fruit of our labor. This has become one of my favorite section as I am able to enjoy the dividend income received year after year at this very same time as the businesses I am vested in flourish. When they do, these companies return part of their earnings to shareholders in the form of dividends, a cycle that now goes on almost in auto-pilot mode and it keeps on piling up until you are no longer vested in the company or when the latter goes kaput.

The reason why I am doing these regular updates is to account for my own responsibility of what I had set to do from the beginning. The other intention is to provide for some kind of inspiration for any new investors that are having second thoughts on investing and whether these sorts of passive income is a tangible idea or not. All I can say is they have rewarded a lot more to me than anything I can ask for in my investing journey and the best part of it is they keep on getting better and better as we look back on the seed we've planted all these years in the past. Since we've just witnessed and celebrated the national jubilee celebration, I trust that most people can relate to the same.

Dividend income continues to play a big part in my overall strategy to move on from a corporate role into something I would like to embark on. It provides a very predictable cashflow that I can use them almost for any expenses I incurred such as utilities, phone bills, milk powder, etc. When these pots are huge enough that they are able to produce constant income that meets my defined criteria of the projected expenses, then I'll most probably be quite done and over with the money concept.

As the reporting season began to wind down, I've tabulated across the amount of dividend income I will be receiving this month. Some of them will span across and be paid early next month but that doesn't really matter too much to me. Without further ado, here are the breakdown:

CountersDividends (S$)
China Merchant Pacific1575.00
Stamford Land300.00

That's $3,075 of dividend income I will be receiving just about passively, without having to actively work for it. It could have been a lot more if not for the recent divestment of the Reits I owned previously but those capital are sitting nicely in my warchest pot, and they will be utilized at some point in time purposefully.

One of my goals for 2015 is to receive a dividend income of $18,000 for the year. Including the amount I've received previously during the year, the total amount of dividend income received is so far at $8,678 or 48% of the overall goal. It looks like I will not be making the goal successfully for this year but I reckon it'll come closer. The month of Nov and Dec will be a big one for me now.

Thanks for reading.

How was your month been for you? Does dividend income provides a buffer in this market volatility?

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