30th Birthday Edition Post - The Big 3 Is Finally Here

Finally, the time for the big 3 is here as I bid farewell to the 20s of my life.
I turned 30 years old today and as part of the customary edition of the annual post, I usually tried to review part of my finances as a comparison against the target I have set for reaching financial freedom at the age of 35.
For the past couple of years edition, I have provided the short link below:

29th Birthday Edition Post - What's the next target?

28th Birthday Edition Post - What's the next target?

27th Birthday Edition Post

Financial Freedom Target
YearYearStarting CapitalCumulative Annual Capital Injection Dividends on Starting CapitalTotal Yearly Dividend PayoutMonthly Passive Income

For those who are new readers of the blog, the above is a projection target which I have set very much earlier when I started the blog almost 5 years ago. This represents a goal which I am keeping track of myself each year to gauge where I am standing in front of the big target.
As you can see from the latest portfolio update I did for the month of Aug (See Here), I am very well behind the target of $345,030.40. I spoke a few times about the difficulty in achieving the target for this year because of more family commitments but I'm not giving up the hope yet. The market for this year is also mostly down which brings about relatively unreasonable assumption that it will go in a straight line upwards. Having said that, I am silently confident that if the market represents some compelling opportunities in the coming months ahead, I might be able to nudge the goal well ahead for next year. I'll be keeping my finger cross for this one.

Birthday Celebration

On a slightly lighter note, I treated myself quite a bit of presents these few days.
First off, my Dell 5423 laptop which has served me well throughout my MBA days, has gone shut right on the day of my birthday. Given that some of the components are a little weary after using it for some time, I think it's a good time to have them changed and today I bought a new Acer V3-371 at Best Denki at a price of $1,198 after promotion price, with a very good specs of i7-5500U, 16GB memory drive and 240GB SSD, which compares very well against many others with a higher price.

Second, I also bought myself a new Adidas running shoes after tearing the front for my current one. Having a new shoes definitely pushes the motivation to exercise than having a hole-in-the shoe to run. I spent about $148 for this one at an adidas store after finding the Nike running shoes much more expensive.

Third, I also treated my family to a presumptuous dinner at Tung Lok Private Dining at OUE Tower, which allows diners to enjoy a revolving full panoramic view of the whole Marina Bay Sands and Fullerton area in full sight. Of course, I had to choose the place because I am recently vested in OUE Commercial and had to support them :D (just kidding).
The course dining for the weekends was having a promotion at $80++/pack for a 7 course meal, which I thought was well worth the value because of the ingredient of the food used and the private dining experience.

And of course, a fun filled companion with family does complete the celebration, though I do wish my Dad, Sister and Little Kiddo were here to celebrate the event as well.

So that is it. I will be starting my 30s journey from now on and I am exactly 5 years away from the financial freedom target. It'll be a whole new experience and I shall end off with a quote I have always used.
                                  "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today"

Oh, do you know that my birthday also happens to fall under the same birthday as the great legendary Warren Buffett? Just saying, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Warren too :)

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