Singapore O&G Ltd IPO - Balloting Results

The IPO balloting results are finally out this evening after quite a number people I know have applied, including myself. I had applied for 101,000 shares and didn't expect much from it. True enough, the chances of getting 7,000 shares were probably very slim at 5% probability and the bid was not successful.

There are a couple of others I know who have bidded around the same range as well who didn't manage to get them and they were pretty disappointed. I think we can all now look beyond this episode as the scene will die down pretty quickly, similar to what happened during the IPO balloting for SPH Reit. 

For those who didn't manage to get them but still would like to get them from the open market, you can do so when it starts trading tomorrow morning but I doubt you will get them cheap. My prediction is that it will open at around 32 to 33 cents tomorrow when it starts trading and by then, it would have already been 30% above the IPO price.

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