Recent Action - FraserCenterPoint Trust (FCT) (3)

Today, I made a divestment for my last batch of 10,000 shares of FCT at a price of $2.09.

The last two divestment I made in batches was in the previous couple of months at the price of $2.15 and $2.06 respectively. You can view my rationale for divesting here:

Recent Action - FraserCenterPoint Trust (FCT) (2)

Recent Action - FraserCenterpoint Trust (FCT)

The investment thesis rationale for divesting remains the same as previously discussed. I think given the impending increase in interest rate and with the yield hovering at around 5.4%, the premium return yield in excess of the risk free rate continues to linger low, perhaps not having the required margin of safety that suits my comfortability.

Some may ask why didn't I divest all then when the share price was at $2.15. The only reason I could think of is I was awaiting for further development for both the economy in general as well as the Reits. Now with more information, I think I am comfortable enough to sell the holdings, diverting the proceeds to the warchest which has now grown to around 34% of the overall portfolio.

I'll be patiently waiting for a much better risk adjusted reward returns. Given the economy we are at right now, I am sure there are plenty of meats to choose from in a short while more.

"It takes character to sit there with all that cash and do nothing. I didn’t get to where I am by going after mediocre opportunities" — Charlie Munger

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