Project Survey $60 incentive - PM if you are interested

I thought I could perhaps share this with the larger community.

This is a survey which I have went last week. The extra incentive is not too bad, it's about $60 for 45 minutes. I am not able to disclose the objective or anything about the survey but all I can say is this is totally free money if you have the time to do it. 

If you are interested, please leave me a message before the slot time and I will forward to the interviewer on a first come basis. Please note that you will need to meet the criteria strictly below:

Status: Singapore Permanent Resident
Work: Must not work in industry related to Advertising, Banking and Insurance
Incentive: $60/45 min
Location: Newton
Time-slot: 26th May 2014, Monday or 27th May 2014, Tuesday
9am, 9.30am, 10am, 10.30am, 11am, 11.30am, 12pm,
2.30pm, 3pm, 3.30pm, 4pm, 4.30pm

All respondents are just required to watch a 45 mins video clip when they are here.
When respondents watch the video clip, they will be wearing an EEG (electroencephalography) cap,
which looks like a swimming cap with small holes. We will be applying some gel into the holes
and then place sensors onto the cap which will pick up their responses. The sensors will not touch
their head, only the gel will. The sensors do not emit anything, they only provide measurement.
Respondents must come with clean and dry hair, without applying any hair products (e.g. gel, mousse, spray, etc)
** Smoker - Must not smoke 1 hr before their scheduled appointment
** All must be Right Handed
** All mother currently not pregnant or nursing

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