Working is the ultimate slavery duty for a financial freedom wannabe

Many people wants job security.

Many more people wants financial freedom.

Usually, the more security a job has, the more mundane and repetitive the role is. The more hate you have for your job, the more you seek to get out of the rat race and seek your own path for financial freedom. Ever thought so that way?

Working my 9-6 job everyday to me is a slavery duty which I dislike, yet compared to those without jobs I am glad to have them. How ironic. Our work is compensated with employees like us being paid wages at the end of every month. Employees of today's century have an iconic culture where working staffs like you and me build our lifestyle in the evenings and on weekends. And after spending the weekends on branded things like Laduree and Tiffany, we are back to where we are the following Monday - which why explains the existence of Monday Blues. Sometimes we don't even know ourselves why we bought the things we bought on weekends on money we don't have and on things we don't actually really like. Hmmph.

Oh, I do mention above that I was glad to have my jobs. I really do. But I am not planning to do this for the rest of my life, or at least I will try not to. I have the right to eat and live my dreams with my own sustainable income. I have the right to fight against my will to freedom.

For now, if you pay me, I will do it. It's a job after all.