Reconciling between achieving Partial vs Complete Financial Freedom‏


I’m sure all of us remember the day we started off our financial journey. We knew the road to financial success will be a long and daunting process yet at the same time we feel excited to finally get off the mark on a new adventurous journey. Those were the days.

Roll forward to the present days, are your motivation still around? If the answer is yes and you are still hanging on just like me, then give yourself a pat on the back. No matter where you are and how much you’ve accomplished, you’ve done a great job which not too many people in this world are able to do it.

For me, I’ve worked hard over the past couple of years and amassed experiences in my workline that can substantiate the knowledge for fundamental investing. Yet, it seems that there is still a long and arduous journey, probably another 7 years of working 9-6 office job. So how do I reconcile the celebration of having achieved something the past couple of years versus the fact that there is still so much to do for the next couple of years?

For many, the answer lies in living at the present.

While it is tough to handle the daily grind of working 9 to 6 everyday, we should consider ourselves lucky to have a job that can provide us with basic everyday needs. Of course, somewhere in the world we always have people who are extremely better or worse than us, so we seemingly always ended up in the middle.

If you consider your financial independence journey boring or stagnant, you may consider taking a break from it to give yourself a breather. Take and use the money to spend on things you’ve always wanted to but never had a chance to do it. In this instance, you’ve felt the real purpose of money.

Last but not least, do not go extreme over your goals and chill about it. Wearing a big hat while your head is small is as bad as wearing a small hat while your head is big. One results in underutilization while another results in overutilization.

It’s always easier said than done but until you do it, perhaps you have not given yourself enough justice.