Life Events From Surviving The 20s‏

It has been a bittersweet ending approaching the end of my 20s as I look back at the past decade and saw many things in life that made me who I am today and beyond.
As I move towards a brand new modern theory age of the 30s, I tried to look back at the things I have done, failed and accomplished in my 20s and the lessons learned on the self-reflection which could help many young readers approaching the 20s in their life journey, if it helps.
For the purpose of this self-reflection, I will draw reference to my very own experience, which may or may not be exclusive and/or different from anyone reading this.
1.) Time Is Your Best Assets
Time is essence and aplenty when you are in your 20s that at times there could be many dull moments just looking at it going pass you each day.
I completed my studies and started working at the age of 22, accumulating savings to pledge them into a system I had in my mind. It was clear right from the start that I needed to build some sort of system that would best maximized my time on a compounding return and the option back then was many, though most didn’t really work out at the end of the day.
I started investing properly in the market only at the age of 25 and I can immediately see the benefits of how time plays a big factor when you are in your 20s and there was simply plenty of head start to compound your returns over time.
2.) Experimenting Failures
On top of experimenting failures in the stock market, I also experienced many job experiences and stretched my human assets potential that best reward me in terms of career progression and enhancement.
While some of my colleagues are shying away from asking for raises or trying out other jobs which could lead to a better outcome, I was constantly looking to aggressively move up the ladder and working in a smart manner. While some of the career move did not result in a successful tenure than what I had imagined, it proves to be a fruitful lessons as I attained both experiences and an unexpected pay rise from the company I was at. Again, the idea is to experiment and push yourself to a limit when you are in your 20s because that’s the time you had little commitment on your plate than if you are in your 30s. For example, I would hardly experiment on something like that right now because of my commitment at this stage in life.
3.) Upgrading Yourself
Even though one may argue that constant upgrading and education is a lifelong learning, but I would prefer if it was done when I am in my 20s, especially when my career is still taking off from the ground approaching the top.
I decided to pursue my MBA about 2 years ago when I had to work full time in the day, classes in the evening, and bottle milking in the dawn. I can tell you that those moments were so tiring that for most of the time I had almost given up hope. Thankfully, the energy level was still at the peak when I somehow managed to combine all the activities together and most importantly it was over by now. I wouldn’t be so sure if I would have done the same if I am 35, though some of my classmates were in their 30s.
4.) Embrace Relationship
You probably will get to know most of your lifelong friends when you are in your 20s, either through a party night event, evening classes or dinner gathering.
You probably will also get to meet your other half during this period, where romance embraces spiciest during these puppy love period.
I decided to form a family in my late 20s, ensuring financial and mental stability prior to the decision so that things are better taken care of in the later stage. There are probably some who feel that it's better to form a family as you grow older, but delayed gratification will even out the game for those who started young.
It is never the importance of the age in this regards that matters but rather the importance of embracing relationship when the right time arrives.
Final Thoughts
This is probably 4 of my biggest life events that mark the most part of my 20s, which I also thought form the majority part of my entire life events, if any.
Looking back, there are plenty of fond memories to be remembered, and mistakes to be learned.
Starting a new decade of 30s, this will be an important life events as I will attempt to survive the next decade.