First time is always the most difficult but special moment

First time in doing anything is never easy.

You get the tension and nervous syndrome that came out random from your body system sending special moments of spiral when you do things for the first time. First time is also special because it is the one moment in your life that you could probably remember as you grew older.

I remember my first time entering the workforce. It seemed upon like the whole world is awaiting for my grand entrance into the new office. I checked my shirt, ties and shoe-lace again and again making sure that everything is perfect coming into the first day. When I stepped into the office full of human cubicle, it appears like all eyes were on me, awaiting for my presence to enter the fray. It was probably common and normal for everyone in the office but it was a special special day for me, the one unique feeling that I could still remember until today.

The same goes when I executed my first purchase of stocks. I remembered it was a proud moment - a moment when I decided that I would put my past away and start on a special journey with people and other bloggers that share the same path. I monitored those stocks like a hawk day and night, looking after news and corporate announcement that are related to the company. It was a trial and error at times in the beginning as I began to realize what I should do and what I should not do. But it was a special moment and 4 years down the road to this very day it remains the most special day for me.

My wife gave birth to our son last Wednesday and finally I am a proud Dad. The first touch and interaction with him was very special though it feels more like a one-sided interaction from my side. It was a moment when I saw someone with the very same blood and flesh that looked exactly like myself, I am amazed and I thank God for keeping him delivered safely into this world. The hospital bill at TMC came out to be slightly under $10k and with the addition of other consultation charges we probably hit through somewhere in the mid $12k range. I knew this wasn't going to be easy financially but under strict supervision of budgeting preparation we had during the year we managed to clear it off without utilizing any credit card debts. I was proud to be able to give a good hospital care support for my wife and son during the 3-days overnight period and a warmth care from inside. It was a nice smiley moment that came out from the heart.

I look forward to the first time of many other things during the course of my life. There are many first time which I have not encountered yet at this point in time. The first time of traveling together with my wife and son, the first time I will hear my son calling me "Daddy", the first time my role requires me to become a management position, the first time I am going to reach financial freedom, etc. And I know it is going to be special, for when I grow older the happiest memories I will cherish are these moments in my life - a special moment that nothing else can ever replicate.

What about you? Any special first time moment that are extremely memorable to you?