Generating Income on a Friday evening!!!

It's been a while since I last went to a focused group survey, especially on a wonderful Friday evening when you can use the time to enjoy a nice dinner with your loved one, watch a movie with your friends or chill-out with your colleague. Instead, I chose to spend the time on a focused group survey I signed up for.

The remuneration has to compensate for the time loss, so I thought it was a good time to earn extra earnings for the month. For the past surveys I have gone to, my remuneration was not too bad (Extra Income). This time, I received $200 for a two-hours focused group discussion. That's money that is able to cover almost 15% of my monthly expenses together with my wife. There were also light refreshments which includes pizza, bread and some drinks. So I thought it was overall worth the effort, especially since the discussion takes place within distance from my home.

I am going to repeat again what T.Harv Eker used to say in his book. "Never Reject Money". It taught us the importance of every single income earned and saved and converting the rest into residual passive income. Respect money and it will respect you back.

It's now time to enjoy the rest of the evening on a Friday night ;)